Classification and features of our company’s cutting machines

The so-called laser cutting machine is a horizontal laser beam emitted by the laser that is transformed into a vertical downward laser beam through a 45° total reflection mirror. It is then focused by a lens to form a very small spot at the focus. When the spot shines on the material, The material is quickly heated to the vaporization temperature and evaporates to form holes. As the beam moves on the material and the auxiliary gas is used to blow away the molten waste, the holes continuously form narrow slits to complete the cutting of the material.
The marking machines operated by our company mainly include fiber laser marking machines and carbon dioxide (co2) marking machines. Compared with traditional ink printing, which is not only inefficient and slow, but also evaporates toxic gases that threaten human health and pollute the environment during the process, laser marking machines are very popular among customers in the market.
The fiber laser marking machine has high cutting accuracy, fast speed, high efficiency, smooth and beautiful cutting surface, many types of cutting materials, and is suitable for many industries. It can mark metal and non-metal materials; carbon dioxide (CO2) marking machine is mainly for non-metallic materials. The materials meet the standards, such as plastic, glass, etc., with clear markings, not easy to wear, high engraving efficiency, environmental protection and energy saving, fast speed, stable system performance, and lower cost compared to fiber laser marking machines.
All in all, laser marking machines have good development prospects, and we will continue to develop new machinery and equipment to meet the needs of customers.

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