Classification and characteristics of stone engraving machine tools

Common stone carving processes include relief, lettering, line carving, Yin-Yang carving, milling, grooving, cutting, special arc carving, etc. Next, let’s talk about the classification and characteristics of stone carving machine tools

Alloy tool features: composed of more than two metals, with blades, and low prices.

1. In terms of application materials: alloy tools are generally used for carving of bluestone, white marble, marble and other stones with a Mohs hardness of less than five and low hardness.

2. In terms of carving methods: alloy tools are generally used for lettering and line carving.

Brazing tools: artificial diamond particles are fired through electric furnaces and other equipment and attached to the surface of the tool bar. The price is medium.

1. In terms of application materials: brazing tools are commonly used for carving bluestone, white marble, marble, sandstone and other stones; they are subject to greater restrictions on granite.

2. In terms of carving methods: brazing tools can be used on bluestone and other materials with low hardness, suitable for all carving methods; granite is mainly used for lettering, line carving, and milling.

Sintered tools: After copper, iron and other metals are melted by equipment, they are mixed with artificial diamond particles. Diamond particles are not only on the surface of the tool, but also inside. The price is medium.

1. In terms of application materials: sintered tools are commonly used for carving bluestone, white marble, marble, sandstone and other stone materials; they are particularly widely used on granite.

2. In terms of carving methods: sintered tools can be used on bluestone and other materials with low hardness, as well as on granite, and are suitable for all carving methods.

PCD diamond tools: The tool bar is cut and ground into shape, the PCD diamond is cut into blades, and then the blades are welded to the formed tool bar. The price is very high.

1. In terms of application materials: PCD diamond tools are commonly used for carving bluestone, white marble, marble, sandstone and other stone materials; they are very widely used on granite.

2. In terms of carving methods: PCD diamond tools can be used for engraving and line carving on bluestone and other materials with low hardness and granite.

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